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Kenya Robinson

Arts/Industry: Pottery, 2018

Arts/Industry artist-in-residence Kenya (Robinson), 2018.

Kenya (Robinson)/Mr. Kenya Robinson is an American multimedia artist whose work includes performance, sculpture, and installation. A native of Gainesville, Florida, (Robinson)’s work depicts themes of privilege and consumerism, while investigating the role of money in the context of close interpersonal relationships.

In addition to this conceptual practice, (Robinson)’s sculptural work is in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, as well as a small selection of works on paper that is part of the Deutsche Bank Collection. Having presented performance work at MoMA, The Kitchen, and The High Line, (Robinson) is continuing to develop interactive performances featuring CHEEKY LaSHAE, a fluid-identity karaoke singer, whose embodiment is achieved through audience participation.

Arts/Industry Residency

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