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Preschool Perspectives: Out of the Woods

April 19–May 29, 2022
Preschool Perspectives: Out of the Woods installation view at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center, 2022.

Thirty-one four-year-old children bravely embarked on a big adventure down the Yellow Class Road in the fall of 2021. Many were emerging from their home, a place of safety from the pandemic. Masked and somewhat distanced, they navigated through the first weeks of school discovering the possibilities and opportunities that lay ahead.

As the year progressed, a clearer sense of self emerged in each child, friendships were formed, and lessons were learned. So much was explored and discovered through the visual and performing arts, literacy, math, cultural studies, Spanish, and American Sign Language. It was as though light and color appeared and brought things into focus.

Regular visits to the Return to Real exhibitions at the Arts Center prompted observing and discussing, making connections and creating. In addition, the opening of the Art Preserve of the John Michael Kohler Arts Center offered opportunities for classes to be held at the new building. We explored the work of artist environment builders including Mary Nohl, Frank Oebser, Loy Bowlin, Albert Zahn, Leonore Tawney, and more. We were inspired by all of these artists, which led to the collaborative works in this exhibition. Creating side-by-side and working together became the strength of our class. Concepts of love and peace were explored, independence was fostered, and essential skills for early learners were developed.

Make connections of your own as you venture through black and white to full color in this exhibition—Preschool Perspectives, Out of the Woods.

Preschool Perspectives: Out of the Woods is supported by the Kohler Trust for Arts and Education, the Frederic Cornell Kohler Charitable Trust, Kohler Foundation, Inc., and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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