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Gê Orthof

Gê Orthof. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Gê Orthof is a professor in the Visual Arts Department at Universidade de Brasília. As a Pos-Doc and visiting artist, he attended Penn State University and The Museum of Fine Arts, Tufts University, Boston. Doctorate in Visual Arts at Columbia University, New York City. Selected prizes and scholarships include FULBRIGHT, New York City. CNI–Marcantonio Vilaça Award, PIPA Prize nomine, FUNARTE Award, 1st. Prize (Grand Prize) 24th International Artist Competition, Berlin.

Orthof’s recent solo exhibitions include Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Australia, 2019, Luciana Caravello Arte Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, 2019, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, EUA, 2017, “Many-splendoured thing”, The Portico Library, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2016. His recent group exhibitions include 13ª Bienal Mercosul, 2022, “Touching Absence” Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam: 2021/2022, “Viberations”, Illges Gallery of Columbus State University, 2020. “Rumor”, Conjunto Caixa Cultural, 2019. Una pos-modernidad periférica, Fundación Klemm, Buenos Aires, 2018, Bienal do Porto, Portugal, 2018, Winners of 5º Prêmio Marcantonio Vilaça, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Curitiba, Recife e Manchester, 2016, “Behind the sun” Home Art Center, Manchester, Great Britain, 2016, 10ª Bienal Mercosul, 2015.


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