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Recipe Box, Memory Box

Photo courtesy of the artist.

March–October, 2021

The Hinterlands calls all of Sheboygan to participate in Recipe Box, Memory Box—a three-part residency running March through October 2021.

The Hinterlands is a Detroit-based company creating performances and public events that are equal parts playful and surreal. The company’s work builds around pressing into the unknown areas of our personal and collective history with fearless physicality and a sense of humor.

The troupe’s performances smash seemingly disparate images and ideas together, culminating in new, highly layered meanings that are greater than the sum of their parts. They create a space for the audience to be in this unknown hinterland through techniques that disarm and disorient, short-circuiting expectations and luring them into unexpected interactions.

Recipe Box, Memory Box focuses on family, stories and community wisdom. The Hinterlands want to learn more about the personal and family histories of the residents of Sheboygan through cooking together, celebrating each other, and highlighting the seemingly small moments in our lives.

Phase 1: Recipe Box, Memory Box: Home Edition invited participation in a community-wide recipe swap conducted via postcards and telephone.

Phase 2: Recipe Box, Memory Box: Sports Edition celebrated the small moments in everyday activities at tailgate events throughout Sheboygan and a friendly contest between to local restaurants in the art of take-out orders.

Phase 3: Recipe Box, Memory Box: Homecoming Edition final performance will arise from the first two phases and feature plenty food, stories, and traditions shared.

Performances and Events

March 22, 2021

The Artists

This engagement is supported by the Arts Midwest Touring Fund, a program of Arts Midwest that is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, with additional contributions from Wisconsin Arts Board and the Crane Group.


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